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Mobile- Friendly Websites - Will Updates Improve User Experience?

April 9, 2015

A new Google update is coming, and the anticipated roll-out will be in a matter of weeks. Specifically, the rumored update involves Google's launch of a new mobile crawler. This crawler will supposedly improve the crawling of “single-page web apps, Android apps, and maybe even Deep Links in iOS apps.” The reason? This update create a more mobile-friendly website experience for those usingPads, smartphones, or any mobile device as they search for websites. Here are some tips based on The Moz Blog listing “9 Things You Should Know About Google’s Mobile-Friendly Update.”

Do I Need A Mobile-Friendly Website?

According to the article, you shouldn't worry if your current website isn't the most mobile-friendly. This update shouldn’t hurt the ability of someone searching for your website. However, it’s still worth looking into your site's effectiveness when viewed on a mobile device. Could there be desktop ramifications down the road? It’s hard to know for sure. More and more people use their mobile devices to find restaurants, landscapers and just about everything else. If your website offers the user with a mobile friendly site, they are less likely to “bounce” to one of your competitors.

Is My Website Mobile-Friendly?

Google has created a “mobile-friendly” tool. This tool will give you a “yes” or “no” evaluation of your existing website being mobile-friendly. Another, easy way to know: pull up your website on your phone. If you’ve never done that, it’s definitely time to check it out. Additionally, the article also states that “We have occasionally also noticed that sometimes two pages in the same page template will perform differently, even though the content that changes between the template is primarily text. Both of these variations could simply be an indication of real-time delay between the tool and the crawler.” If you make your website responsive, you’ll know for sure it’s going to be mobile-friendly.

Smartphones Are Here To Stay

What this particular website (and others) have repeatedly indicated is responsive design (i.e. mobile websites) is here to stay. According to Moz, “MOST businesses can be extremely well-served by a mobile website and should focus their budget on making the user experience to their customers, and potential customers, a great experience no matter what device that consumer may be using.”  We would agree – it’s not only about making Google happy, but also the millions of people that can’t seem to make a decision without checking their smartphones first. Is your website ready? Click here to access Google’s “Mobile Friendly” tool checker. Contact Cork Tree Creative and we’ll help you figure out all of the details. (618) 656-7333.
