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Benefits of Outsourcing Marketing for Your Business

March 29, 2022

Should I Outsource My Marketing?

A common misconception amongst business owners is that your marketing team must be internal to be effective. Why should you consider outsourcing marketing? There is a variety of benefits to partnering with an external marketing agency, including:

Outsourcing marketing reduces overhead expenses.

From salaries to vacation time and benefits, it can be expensive to hire a full in-house marketing team. Let’s break down the costs based on the S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ numbers:

    • Marketing Manager: $66,000 - $175,000 annual salary
    • Digital Marketing Strategist: $50,000 - $79,000 annual salary
    • Social Media Manager: $40,000 - $108,000 annual salary
    • Copy Writer: $23,000 - $100,000 annual salary
    • Graphic Designer: $40,000 - $89,000 annual salary

Many companies try to cut down on costs by hiring a marketing specialist. However, this one person most likely won't have every marketing skillset. They may have a knack for social media management. But what about graphic design, photography or website design? Even if the person is a jack of all trades, they will not have enough time to do it all. That is where Cork Tree Creative comes in. Our creative team can work hand in hand with your marketing coordinator to get the job done. When you partner with us, you are receiving a full creative team. We have website designers, photographers, graphic designers, etc. This can be much more affordable than the costs of salaried employees. (Plus, you don’t have to worry about employee turnover.)

Outsourcing marketing saves time.

The cliché is true, time is money. When you outsource your marketing, you are saving your team a lot of time. For example, let’s say your company specializes in construction. Then, chances are you are not an expert in managing a marketing team. Rather, it will take you away from what you are good at: running your business. If you partner with an outside marketing firm, you don’t have to worry about training or employee turnover. At Cork Tree, many of our clients have been with us from the very start in 2009. We support their missions and enjoy working with them. As their organizations grow, we grow with them.

Provides insight on your business from an outside perspective.

We have found that a lot of our clients appreciate the fresh, new insight we can provide for their business. As a CEO, you are working on your business day in and day out. Therefore, it can be hard to think big picture. Digital marketing agencies can provide unbiased opinions about your company’s marketing efforts. Plus, they aren’t afraid to think outside-of-the-box. At Cork Tree, we go to school on our clients’ businesses. We study industry trends and consumer behaviors. Our team uses market research technology to provide powerful data about competitors. Then, we leverage that knowledge to create innovative marketing campaigns.

Outsourcing marketing ensures consistency in marketing efforts.

If you hire an external marketing team, then you are guaranteeing that your marketing won’t be thrown to the wayside. When marketing is done internally, it is easy for it to move to the back burner. This could happen due to budget cuts, or lack of time. However, full-service marketing agencies hold their clients accountable. They ensure marketing efforts are continuous and proactive. Say goodbye to the days of a stagnant website or blank Facebook page. Our project managers will move your marketing forward.

Allows you to work with experts in the marketing industry.

When you join forces with a digital marketing agency, you receive the most current marketing tricks. Marketing specialists bring invaluable experience to the table. They can provide recommendations on what works and what doesn’t. They not only develop marketing campaigns, but also provide reporting to determine ROI. Also, they are well-versed in the latest marketing software, such as Adobe Creative Suite, Moz, etc. If you choose to have marketing done internally, you will have to invest in these programs yourself. Also, many advertising agencies specialize in certain industries so you can find the perfect fit for your business. For example, Cork Tree Creative’s core specialties include legal marketing, healthcare marketing and marketing for financial industries.

At Cork Tree Creative, we sweat the small stuff, so you don’t have to. Our goal is to solve your marketing problems and grow your business. Are you interested in reaping the benefits of outsourcing marketing? Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.
