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Pinterest Releases "On Hover" Pin It Button

June 30, 2014

If you are managing a Pinterest account to promote your company's products or services, then you may benefit from news this week that Pinterest has released its new On Hover Pin It button that you can add to your website allowing visitors to Pin your images. Best of all, when you make it easy for visitors to Pin your images, it drives traffic to your content . . . and we all know how that helps your website in rankings with Google.

Pinterest "On Hover" Pin Benefits

Just like the regular Pin It button, the On Hover Pin It button only shows up when a visitor scrolls over an image on your site. Visitors often Pin things so they can be reminded of the idea or product, and consequently they are sharing their interest in your product or design ideas with their Pinterest followers and driving new visitors to your content. By adding the On Hover button, you are subtly reminding visitors to Pin your image without obstructing their view or distracting them from the messaging of your site.
One of the other advantages to the On Hover Pin is its ease of use. It only takes one line of code to get these buttons.
