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What Social Media Looks Like in 2022

March 29, 2022

Social media has moved past the simple life of emojis and memes and developed into a growing digital community. Trends and content seem to be never-ending and are grueling to keep up with as a business. To make your life easier, we have outlined some of 2022’s top social media trends that you should keep up with this year.

Social Media Basics

In 2021, we saw a shift in social media marketing reverting to what it was once known for – building connections. Throughout COVID, many social media platforms and businesses realized the importance of customers and building genuine relationships. Customers and users are the people that drive our businesses and services – they are frankly the only things keeping us afloat. This customer-focused movement reminds us of what good social media can create – authentic relationships.

More Realism

As we shift back to the original social media mindset, many creators and users have realized the need for authenticity, too. For many creators, “burnout” is real, as they feel they must be consistent and perfect. It is proven that social media is directly linked to mental health. It is scary to think that the universes we create on our tiny electronics could have such a significant impact on our lives. Creators and users alike have decided to enact a long-awaited shift in social media. In 2022, we can expect to see social media transforming into something that promotes positivity and realness. So, watch out social media – here comes more unedited snapshots and genuine moments.

Social Commerce

Over the past few years, we have meekly watched the social media channels we know and love transform before our eyes. Instagram forms a shopping page, social media shifts its focus to ads, and users can purchase a product in under a minute. Social media has made the entire purchasing process available to online users with features like product discovery, click-to-purchase, and post-purchase support, aka social commerce. Social commerce is the development of online media supporting and assisting online purchasing and selling of products and services. We have seen an explosion of social commerce that will continue to spout new information and methods in 2022.

Creators Galore

Everywhere in our online network, we see creators and influencers popping up more frequently. Social media developed this new occupation category that plays a significant role in the economy and brand awareness. Many platforms have invested in tools and marketplaces where creators can further promote their content. As social commerce expands, creators play a crucial role in promotion and engagement. Businesses and brands collaborate with these creators to turn them into marketing influencers. A social influencer wields great power when it comes to turning their loyal followers into customers.

Short-Form Videos

TikTok has created a boom in short videos that is here to stay. Our attention spans have become more limited as we take in a plethora of information daily. According to research, our attention span has shrunk from 12 seconds to 8.5 in only 15 years, mainly due to our digitalized lives. Social media platforms have noticed this trend and are capitalizing on it. TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook are just some of the services that utilize short-form videos. Whether caught in an endless scroll of minute-long videos on TikTok or being bombarded by Instagram Reels, you are sure to have encountered these mini videos a time or two.

If social media management still seems overwhelming, don’t fret. Cork Tree Creative can expertly organize your social media platform to bring your business success. Contact us to learn more about our capabilities.
